As we slowly approach the festive season, discover the wonderful story of The Nutcracker and listen to Tchaikovsky’s beautiful music.

The beginning
Our story starts on Christmas Eve on a cold winter’s night. A little girl called Clara is impatiently waiting for her uncle to arrive at the family home for a party. She knows he will have a special present for her. The house looks so beautiful with all the Christmas decorations…
- Listen to the music for ‘The Decoration of the Christmas Tree’ from The Nutcracker played by Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker. While listening, why not move around, imagining you are dancing around a beautifully decorated Christmas tree? If your Christmas tree is already up, even better! You can dance around it…
The party
Clara’s uncle finally arrives at the party. Presents are exchanged and Clara receives a beautiful Nutcracker doll. The adults laugh and converse while the children play with their new toys until Clara’s mischievous brother, Fritz, grabs her doll and breaks it! Using an enchanted scarf, Clara’s uncle repairs the Nutcracker and Clara and her girlfriends dance with their dolls. When the festive evening comes to an end and it’s time to go to bed, Clara wants to take her Nutcracker doll to sleep but her mother asks her to leave it by the Christmas tree.
- Listen to ‘Clara and the Nutcracker’ played by Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker. Why not grab your favourite toy and dance along with Clara and her Nutcraker?
The battle
Later that night, Clara enters the dark and quiet living room looking for her Nutcracker doll. She takes it in her arms and falls asleep on the sofa. In her dreams, the Nutcracker suddenly comes to life as a prince and battles giant mice with the help of a troop of toy soldiers…
- Listen to ‘The Battle’ played by Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker. Can you find a stick or a toy sword and join the Nutcracker and toy soldiers in their battle against the giant mice?
Winter Wonderland
The Snow King welcomes Clara and the Nutcracker to his kingdom and the Snow Queen appears on the royal sledge, asking them if they would like to see the snowflakes dance…
- Listen to ‘Waltz of the Snowflakes’ played by Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker. Can you imagine you are ice-skating on a frozen lake with Clara and the Nutcracker Prince?
The Candy Kingdom
Clara and the Nutcracker Prince fly through the clouds and arrive at the gates of the Candy Kingdom. They receive gifts, which all come to life and dance for them: Spanish Chocolate, Marzipan Flute, Arabian Coffee, Chinese Tea, Russian Ribbon Candy and Gingerbread…
- Listen to the ‘Russian Dance’ (or Trepak) played by Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker. Why not clap along to the music? Or if you have something you can shake along with the music, even better!
The end
Clara’s mother finds her asleep on the sofa. She gently wakes her and takes her back to her bedroom, allowing her to take her Nutcracker doll…
- Listen to the final Waltz played by Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker as you go to sleep…
Did you enjoy the story of Clara and the Nutcracker? Tell us by sending us messages or videos on Twitter using the hashtag #ONLittleSchool
Experience 'The Nutcracker' live!

If you enjoyed this story and would like to discover more of Tchaikovsky’s magical music, the Orchestra of Opera North will be performing The Nutcracker & The Snowman at Huddersfield Town Hall on 13 December and St George’s Hall in Bradford on 18 December.