Make your own recycled shaker
What you will need:
- Toilet paper roll or kitchen roll
- Dry rice or lentils
- Sellotape
- Pens, pencils or anything else you can use to decorate your shaker

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4
Your recycled percussion instrument is now ready to be played! We would love to see it. If you want, you can share pictures with us on twitter using the hashtag #ONLittleSchool or on the Creative Family Facebook page.
Play along to the music
Now that you have your own recycled shaker, try to play along to some of the best tunes from Opera North Green Season.
Bring your shaker to a live performance
Why not bring your recycled shaker to a live Little Listeners performance? The next concert will take place on Saturday 9 September at the Howard Assembly Room. With players from the Orchestra of Opera North, we will explore the tale of The Duck with No Luck composed by Paul Rissman, the award-winning composer of SUPERSONIC.